On the side: have been following The Contender Asia on AXN (managed to watch two matches ringside prior to the show airing - one with Zak fighting and the other was the first semi-final between the two thais) and tomorrow night's the BIG fight! The bonds these guys forged is very unique and after having made friends and then having to fight each other in the ring no holds barred certainly is not easy. Chok Dee Zak!!

And in this corner we have Hasbro's African American - heh! heh!

And in the other corner, Ryo Narushima, created by manga artist Akio Tanaka for the manga serial 'Shamo' together with writer Izo Hashimoto. He's a mean
mutherf***** (oops, there goes my French again).

Let the fight begin!

Guess who's gonna win?
Hey there it's Zach from Contender Asia was reading up on stuff and chanced upon your blog coz you made a mention about the newspaper article.
I won my fight by the way. Stopped him with an elbow in the 5th round. His nose got really bloody and ref called it off.
Ohh am writing to you coz I LOOOOVEEE TOYS too...not as much as you clearly!! I have loads of old 3 3/4inch GI Joe toys and when I saw the image of Snake Eyes from the movie...im looking forward to the toys!! DAAAAAAAAMMMMNNN I can't wait!!!
That fighter toy is pretty cool too!! The one in the army jacket. I've got a very cool Street Fighter ADON the muay thai fighter figure too.
Am soooo jealous of your toys!!! haha
Wow!! I'm so honoured. Thanks for your comments and info. Congrats on your win (you were awesome in the first match-up before you dislocated your shoulder so this is certainly GREAT news!!) We were all rooting for you! Thanks for putting Singapore on the Muay Thai map :) Hope to keep blogging and share the passion with like-minded people like yourself.
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