Hot Toys - MMS DX 02 - The Dark Knight - 1/6th scale BATMAN collectible figure will be a life-like Batman collectible, true to 1/6th scale and stand approximately 32 cm tall, featuring Hot Toys figure body with over 32 points of articulation and the movie accurate -The Dark Knight- complex Batman suit.

This deluxe version comes with two functional Batman heads: One features Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS) and Translucent Iris and an alternate head features the sonar vision device – light-up eyes (cell button battery operated- battery included) PLUS Three (3) interchangeable unique faces capturing Batman's classic facial expressions, which will fit both functional heads. The usual three sets of interchangeable posing hands and deluxe figure stand with LED lights will also be included.

I think Hot Toys used their new narrow shoulders True Type body because the first released version of The Dark Knight suit looked rather bulky - Batman looked more like a body builder than an athletic man. This version looks much better IMHO

The three faces or expressions of Batman

The collectible also features: a newly sculpted and developed Batman complex suit with his 1/6 weapons and accessories -Transformable Sticky Bomb Gun, Back Pack, Grapnel Gun, Mini Mine, removable Holster and two (2) interchangeable and Magnetic Utility Belts.

This picture started it all (Teaser post HERE)

Release date: Q1, 2010
Credit where credit is due - Artist: Head Sculpt by Yulli, Head Art Directed by JC HONG and Head Paint by JC HONG
UPDATE - January 31, 2010: Hot Toys DX02 Batman has finally arrived!! Pictures HERE
Looks much better than the first DK issue.
WAY BETTER!! I didn't like the bulky body from the first issue :(
Ya! definitely good figure and :)
OMG! Damn! its hot!! i already have original batman and dark knight version why didnt they make this before? what is it next time? two face with eyeball moving. Curse you hot toys you money eating evil company!!!
I hate to admit i already preorder it. though it doesnt come with bruce wayne head that's one good thing.
ya desmond, pay and pay BUT at least pay and be happy lah :) don't buy later regret then want to pay also cannot buy - ha! ha!
hi Hee Won, I also have the earlier two versions and this will make THREE but that's the joy of collecting ;>
Holy sheet. It looks amazing. I'm not a fan of this batsuit but Hot Toys has outdone themselves once again. Brilliant.
yup, can't wait for the actual thing to be released in 2010 - man, that's another half a year to go!
Hi Everbody,
HT's new commecial strategy (since the production of the improved version of The Joker) rides on the full exploitation of collectors' obsession to their favorite characters. In producing these improved versions, the development overhead is relatively lower as the body and some accessories are already there. The additional development costs are only on the eyeball system and other added gear and all these share less overhead than their prototpye did in their 1st issue. Yet the price is some 30% on top of the 1st issue's. Howard Chan (HT's boss) has a clever commercial mind. This strategy of product proliferation (ie. making slightly different products on the same theme / character) may effectively end up with many collectors purchasing the same character twice, thereby enabling HT's profit to double on the same theme. Be ready with more bucks guys !
I really like Batman.
visit my blog too.
i did :) thanks for sharing CHEERS
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