For me, the original trilogy is a classic while my boys prefer the newer versions (but actually "older" episodes). Without Star Wars, we could still be stuck watching black and white film noir (just kidding lah!).
According to Star Wars archives, Han Solo recused Chewbacca from slavery and Chewie teams up with Han to repay the traditional Wookie life debt. They become shipmates and best pals.
And here's Medicom RAH 1/6 Han Solo (already reviewed HERE and HERE) standing side by side with Chewbacca as they blast their way out of the Imperial Death Star space station, as we saw in "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977)". I think the scale of Medicom's Han Solo compares well with Hasbro's 1/6 scale Chewbacca.

Han Solo is armed with his customized DL-44 blaster pistol

And Chewbacca is armed with his bowcaster, with bandolier and carry-pouch. Hasbro's 1/6 scale 13.5-inch tall Chewbacca was released in November 1999 and until some 1/6 toy manufacturer finally produce an updated version (and it better not be Medicom because they'll get it all wrong again), he'll have to do.

And let's not forget their ship, the Millennium Falcon (reviewed HERE)
Check out Sideshow Collectibles Star Wars ANH Darth Vader facing off with Sideshow Obi-Wan Kenobi in the final duel on the Death Star (pictures HERE)
How come no companies make 14inch Chewbacca??
I think Hot Toys could do a pretty good job, molded hair or actual fur is the question though. A Chewbacca with super articulation could be a pretty cool looking action figure I think.
hi george, i would certainly much prefer molded hair as i think actual fur in 1/6 scale would make Chewbacca look like a teddy bear and we have ewoks for that haha still waiting for a proper 1/6 scale Chewbacca. now that sideshow has begin to partner with Hot Toys, that might finally come to fruit.
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