This is the DX or deluxe version Astro Boy/
Tetsuwan Atom by Takara way back when (?!) and Astro Boy came equipped with a diecast endo-skeleton and moving gears. The box itself was very nice and offered a glimpse of what you can expect.

Opening the cover revealed two toys in one - a complete Astro Boy and another robot that looks very much like Robot "Number 5" or "Johnny 5" from the movie "Short Circuit (1986)" and obvious inspiration for the newer "Wall•E" recently released by Pixar

DX Astro Boy / Tetsuwan Atom by Takara

Astro Boy assembled and ready for action!!

Astro Boys
that toy looks so cool my son thinks its the coolest thing hes ever seen how much does that cost??
hi there, this is one of the coolest toy i have and i'm glad you and your son thinks so too >_< this is a rather old toy from Japan and quite rare as well as not many of them survived intact over the years. i don't know how much it's going for now although i once saw one going for $1,000.
I've got one of these toys in new condition and was wondering what you think the value is? I'm in the US. - Tom
Hey Tom, I don't know the going rate for this item either but a quick google search says asking prices are about US$270 in used condition. Some were asking even higher prices (USD650) for mint versions.
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