This is Hot Toys 1/6 scale 12" USMC Third Marine Battalion in Fallujah 2004 - M249 SAW GUNNER military figure (which was released in 2007) and came with BDU - Battle Dress Uniform (MARPAT - MARine PATtern, MCCUU - Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform, DESERT), Interceptor Body Armor, M249 Magazine Pouches, IFAK (Infantry First Aid Kit) Pouch, Leg Rig Panel, Gasmask / Dump Pouch, Belt and Tactical Boots.
Accessories include PASGT Helmet with Cover, PVS-14 NVG Mount, Goggles with Cover, Sunglasses, LITE Headset, Personal Role Radio (PRR) with pouch, S.O.L.A.G. Gloves, "Ninja Turtles" kneepads (Motocross/BMX kneepads), Ballistic Hard Plates, Surefire Flashlight with Holder, Water Bottle with Cover, Hydration System, Plasti-cuffs, Ball Pen, Whistle, Watch
Weapons comprise Multi-Purpose Bayonet, Para SAW M249 with M145 Scope and M1911A1 with drop-down Holster.

Basic Figure out of the box. The battledress in digital camouflage patterns was first adopted by the Canadian Forces (CADPAT), followed by the United States Marine Corps (MARPAT MCCUU). The USMC were already wearing the digital camouflage uniforms in 2002.

The head sculpt looks a lot like Christian Bale (he of Batman and Terminator Salvation fame). This head sculpt preceded all the other Bale HS that were to come.
I have some of the gears of this figure, but having a hard time finding that PASGT helmet and SAW gun!
saw a photo of the real thing of that 'turtle' knee pads. I thought it was just a custom or movie props.
I liked the headsculpt!
Did you forgot to put the groin protector pads on the vest?
yeah AL, the PASGT helmet is one of the best I've come across & I opted to pose him without the groin protector. The head sculpt was what pulled me in in the first place :)
this isn't a PASGT helmet
this is a LWH Leight Weight Helmet
thanks for correcting that. i put down what i see stated on the box and as described; guess the manufacturer got it wrong CHEERS
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