Well, guess what? This October, Soldier Story will be releasing a limited edition variation of this set, except the uniform and equipment will be in Army Combat Uniform (ACU) patterned camouflage (this was what Lennox wore in "Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)"). The only similar items to both sets are the Crye Precision designed shirt, pants and body armor chassis - except now they're in ACU. All the other items are different - from the Serpa-style drop down holster with .45 Pistol and Lanyard, to the PALS Padded Web Belt with Suspenders. Even the H&K 416 Assault Rifle is different - with shorter barrel and 20-Round Magpul Magazine.
This newer Soldier Story FCS (Future Combat Systems) Testing Team in ACU (Army Camouflage Uniform) Set Includes: MICH Helmet - Tan, Crye Precision Combat Shirt - ACU, Crye Precision Combat Pants - ACU, Crye Precision Blast Belt w/Suspenders - ACU, M4 Mag Pouch - ACU x 4, Double Pistol Mag Pouch - ACU, Crye Precision Armour Chassis - ACU, Hydration Carrier w/Tube - ACU, Large General Purpose Pouch Horizontal - ACU, General Purpose Pouch - ACU, MBITR Radio Pouch - ACU, Water Bottle/General Purpose Pouch - ACU, SERPA Drop Holster w/Mag Pouches, Riggers Belt, M1911 .45 Pistol w/Rail, M1911 .45 Magazine x 4, Pistol Lanyard, P-Mag 20 Round w/Ranger Plate x 4, 20-Round M4 Magazine x 4, Heckler & Koch HK416 Rifle w/10.5 Inch Barrel (this is the CQB version), Single Point Bungee Sling Coyote, MBITR Radio w/Peltor Headset and PTT switch, Patches, Desert Boots, NOMEX Gloves - Tan, S2 Soldier Story Body, Bendy Hands
And guess who's head? Why, it's Jason Statham with a super BIG head!! This after everyone complained about Soldier Story heads being small. Now it's melon head Statham - LOL!
Alex, looking at the pictures above, the head size is still small and the lower parts of the body is damn big..
yeah desmond, clothes are still too big. maybe will fit better on a Hot Toys True Type body
My guess is that the uni is of the right size especially when fitted on a TrueType body.
I think it is due to the head proportions and body size of S2 thats making the uni look loose.
The TrueType is taller than the S2.
You can also try the ACE body.
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