No. 9 on my 2008 Top 10 List comes down to military might. Out of the three featured, who will emerge tops -
Hot Toys 75th Ranger,
VHT CBT TynCorp PMC or
Expertoys Ranger Recon?

A closer examination of the trio

Take a bow, Captain Lennox and thank you for saving us from the Decepticons, with a lot of help from the Autobots, of course. He wins because his unique Cyre Combat Chasis is a one-of-a-kind reproduction of the actual product (enough of assault vests and more assault vests already) and very accurate in detail, including even his padding which is hidden under the vest, plus the way the clip fastens onto his chest.

Captain Lennox is none other than actor
Josh Duhamel, Danny McCoy from Las Vegas, of whom the
wife's a really BIG fan :)

Josh and his buddies posing for a group shot

Max Payne, anyone? Or ex-
USMC Scout Sniper Gunnery Sergeant Bob Lee Swagger from "Shooter (2007)"

Prison Break brudders Michael Scofield (
Wentworth Miller) and Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell)

The brothers enjoying a quiet respite out of prison

Latest acquisition from Hot Toys but no time to post - His Royal Highnesses Prince William and Prince Harry
Royalty is in da house! Not enough British modern military figures have been released so Hot Toys' release of both British Army Blues & Royals Regiment Tank Commander and Lieutenant is a BIG PLUS!! Hopefully can post them sometime in the near future.

Two down, eight more to go
Wentworth Miller sculpt is just brilliant.
I'm betting that one of the Indies and the Joker(or Batman) would be up there in the list?
Hi Tony, I'm not letting the cat out of the bag just yet - ha!ha! :) Thanks for looking
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