And now a more modern warrior, a US Navy
DEVGRU Close Quarter Combat (CQC) Operator by ACE. The US Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU) is a premier Navy SEAL unit and the USN's primary Counter-Terrorism and covert operations unit. The US Navy SEALs were originally a naval diving unit but since the Vietnam War, have evolved into one of the world's top elite force. They no longer need to be close to the water. Like
Richard Marcinko said, "All the water they need is the water in their canteen."

Comes with Desert Tiger Stripes BDU (
Tiger Stripes were first introduced by the SEALs in
Nam), Warload Chest Rig (something the SEALs learnt from the VC), Duty Belt with Dump Pouch, M9 pistol in drop-down Mk V Holster and Triple Magazine Pouch.

His Warload Chest Rig - amazing detail with opening pouches - a norm these days.

His helmet with helmet light, Tiger Stripes boonie hat, shades and his M4 with CASV rail system, ACOG scope and CQC bungee sling

Fully loaded and ready to roll!

Dump pouch for empty magazines (you gotta put them somewhere) and radio pouch for his Saber radio

His backpack which also houses his water bladder (included) for hydration and he's wearing the Stinger T headset connected to his radio
CASV is a VLTOR products not Magpul
Thanks for clearing that up, alchemist :)
Nice one. Did you also change his body, or just the headscuplt? I don´t know if you can use HOT TOYS heads with ACE MK1 body.
my apologies jose, what i meant was i switched bodies and used the original body and head sculpt for a First Blood John Rambo bash. CHEERS :)
Thanks Alex. I am kind of new at this, and I don´t know what body parts are compatible: for example, with HOT TOYS heads (the best IMHO), which bodies can I use? And also, I have a TOY SOLDIER figure (T1 body), but I don´t like the headsculpt, is there any way I can use a HOT TOYS head? Where can I find out about this?
Thank you again.-
hey Jose, check out this forum
It's one of the best resource for all kinds of questions pertaining to 1/6 bodies and parts and everything else. I make it a point to visit it daily for updates.
If you have any questions, they'll have the answers :)
Thank you very much for your time, Alex. I´ll check that.
U R most welcome Jose. Hope you find the answers you're looking for :0
Yes, of course. And there´s algo a guy trying to do a compatibility chart...GREAT IDEA.
This is the link to the thread:
I am very I received a ktbashed figure that I bought in eBay. It´s the first time I buy one already kitbashed, and I have to say I am very pleased. If you want I can send you a pic.
Take care!!
hey Jose, that'll be great. always keen to see pictures of others' collection :)
OK. How can I send you pics?
oops - forgot to give you my email address which is
OK. Thanks.- Mine is
We´ll be in contact.
Take care.-
"why ACE shipped him off with black boots is anybody's guess"
I thought this might interest you.
- cheers
thanks for the link and picture :)
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