This new set from VeryHot looks GREAT for kitbashing. The parts list is simply amazing. Lots of potential here, folks!

Better grab yours fast before ADIDAS sues them for copyright infringements. Then they'll answer "Ah Did Wat?" I know of a certain
someone who might be keen on these coz he's a BIG FAN of Adidas footwear & apparel :)

Two pairs of pants - the more the merrier Ha! Ha!

The fact that they posed the gear on a figure with a Russell Crowe likeness head sculpt helps a great deal. Remember folks - PARTS only, no figure included!

Check out my post
HERE for 1/6 scale Adidas Superstar!!
Alex, I guess Shaun may be interested in this set as he is a fan of Adidas stuff :P
yeah desmond, i think he might ;p
Is "Very Hot" a subsidiary of "Hot Toys" in mainland China? Quality and genres of costumes and accessories seem closely resembling HT.
Very Hot is a poor cousin of Hot Toys - quality of hot Toys stuff is way better but that also means Hot Toys things are pricier. Used to be Very Hot would take Hot Toys products and re-do them (like their SDUs, SEAL night ops, DEVGRU etc) but now very Hot has branched out and are doing their own thing, like this set which seems good but will have to wait and see. Sometimes the end product don't do justice to the prototype pictures :(
Thanks for the headsup on this set, my guru. It would be perfect if the items came with the originals adidas logo rather than the performance one. Will go for this but I'll expect it to come here at about 100 given the previous set's price.
U R most welcome Shaun. This set still looks GREAT for bashing or used as it is & U definitely have to get this, seeing that you are such a Adidas fan ;>
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