Michael Rooker (see
previous entry) starred in the movie "Counterforce" along with Robert Patrick (best known for his performance as T-1000 of James Cameron's Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Other acting credits include The X-Files, where he starred in arguably his most significant role as the skeptical Agent John Doggett. He currently appears on The Unit). It's about this group of renegade SWAT team who decide to take down those criminals who seem untouchable by law. Michael Rooker is the FBI HRT leader who has been tasked to investigate this vigilante group and this leads to a final showdown between both SWAT teams employing similar tactics. Amazingly, I cannot find this particular movie on the net.
Anyway, the FBI HRT wore urban camouflage uniforms similar to this "1st Tactical Assault Unit (Urban)" released by Hasbro.

This is a bashed version with a mixture of this and that. I was quite fond of Action Man's bulkiness coupled with articulation that was more than that of the GI Joe Hall of Fame bodies, which was non-existent. This was pre-Dragon days.

His "1st Tactical Assault" badge

His other weapons
You should definitely find this movie: "Counterforce".
It's really awesome !
thanks for the tip :) I did watch the movie, as mentioned in the beginning of the post haha "Michael Rooker starred in the movie "Counterforce" along with Robert Patrick. It's about this group of renegade SWAT team who decide to take down those criminals who seem untouchable by law. Michael Rooker is the FBI HRT leader who has been tasked to investigate this vigilante group and this leads to a final showdown between both SWAT teams employing similar tactics." CHEERS
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